Socially responsible

Carpe Natura (CN) HR & labour standards policy

  1. Introduction 

This statement reflects the underlying Human Rights & Labour Standards Policy approved and published internally on 20 Jan 2023. 

The principles and guidelines set out in the Policy are derived from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and reflect our aim of respecting human rights as laid out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

The underlying Policy applies to all CN directors, officers and employees of Indian Carepet Centre (CN). 

  1. Policy Statement 
  2. CN seeks to provide a work environment where employees are treated with respect, dignity and consideration. This commitment is built upon a framework of policies and procedures designed to ensure fairness in the recruitment, development and retention of all employees. 
  3. General Principles 
  4. All employment must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which CN operates. Where the applicable local laws and regulations require higher or additional levels of protection of human and employment rights than those set out in this Policy, the local laws and regulations will take precedence. 
  5. All CN Employees are required to report any actual, suspected or potential violations of all Company policies, including this Human Rights and Labour Standard Policy. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 
  6. This Policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis and updated where necessary to ensure the continuous improvement of working conditions and management of labour risks in CN’s operations. 
  7. CN shall make available sufficient resources to give effect to its commitment to year on year improvements to working conditions and management of labour risks in its global operations. 
  8. Specific Provisions 
  9. Human Rights 

CN supports and complies with the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and seeks to honour the principles of internationally recognised human rights wherever it operates. 

Each CN employee shall be treated with dignity and shall not suffer harassment, physical or mental punishment or other forms of abuse. 

CN has effective grievance mechanisms which are transparent, equitable and predictable to enable the remediation of any adverse human rights impacts that may arise in its operations. 

CN promotes effective employee engagement throughout its operations and welcomes open feedback from employees on all matters of company business. 

  1. Freedom of Association 

CN recognises and respects the right of employees to establish and join organisations which are designed to engage in collective bargaining and other initiatives to further and defend the interests of the workforce. 

No CN employee shall be dismissed or otherwise prejudiced for reason of membership of such an employee organisation or because of participation in that organisation outside of working hours, or with consent of their line manager, within working hours. 

CN employees shall enjoy protection against discrimination by virtue of their membership of an employee organisation and employment shall not be conditional upon an employee not joining or relinquishing membership of such an organisation. 

  1. Compulsory Labour and Human Trafficking 

CN does not accept nor condone any form of modern slavery whether forced, compulsory or trafficked labour.Without limitation, CN does not engage sweatshop labour, convict labour or indentured labour under penal sanction. 

All CN employees shall provide their services to the Company on an entirely voluntary basis and no one shall be forced to remain in the employ of CN against their will. 

CN has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and encourages all employees to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern slavery, in any part of the CN business at the earliest opportunity. 

  1. Child Labour 

CN adheres to and strictly complies with international child labour conventions and child labour laws and regulations in the countries in which it operates. 

The minimum age of a CN Employee shall be not less than the age of completion of compulsory education in the country of location of the relevant CN business unit, and in any event, shall not be less than 16 years.

Where the work concerned is by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, deemed to be “hazardous” under the definition provided by the International Labour Organization 138 Concerning Minimum Age, the minimum age of the CN Employee shall be not less than 18 years.

  1. Discrimination 

CN strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against any CN Employee or any applicant for employment with CN, whether such discrimination or harassment is based on sex, race, age, colour, ancestry, religion, belief, disability, sexual orientation, marital status or any other feature protected by law. 

This provision should be read in conjunction with Section VIII of the CN Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which contains further guidance on the CN position with regard to discrimination, harassment and other potential issues in the workplace.